Sbraham, Taisha (ed.)
Women and the Politics of Violence
Women and the Politics of Violence undertakes to introduce readers, through an interdisciplinary perspective, to the politics of this struggle with its varying emphasis on women. The essays included in the collection deal with women and violence in relation to the media. India's partition, religious fundamentalism and the terrain of law.
TAISHA ABRAHAM teaches English in Jesus & Mary College, University of Delhi.
Pages 304
ISBN 81-241-0847-1 |
Ahooja-Patel, krishna, devi, s. Uma and tadas, g.a. (ed.)
Women and Development
The workshop focussed on five themes, viz. economic and social development; development and productive employment patterns; progress in poverty eradication; and social, economic and institutional issues.
KRISHNA AHOOJA-PATEL is President, Women's World Summit Foundation (WWSF), Geneva.
S. UMA DEVI is Professor, Dept. of Economics, University of Kerala.
Pages 421
ISBN 81-241-0251-1 |
Chawla, Janet (ed.)
Birth and Birthgivers: The Power Behind the Shame
This volume presents varied essays exploring women's voices, agencies and aesthetics in the traditional handling of childbearing. It includes Ayurveda as it comprehends reproduction, sohars (birth songs), birth narratives, cord-cutters, dais' knowledge and compensation systems, as well as analyses of biomedical dominance and erasure of indigenous knowledge.
JANET CHAWLA has written, researched, lectured and consulted on indigenous concepts of reproductive health and traditional midwifery nationally and internationally. Currently, she is the Director of MATRIKA (Motherhood and Traditional Resources, Information, Knowledge and Action), advocating for indigenous midwifery.
Pages 312
ISBN 81-241-0938-9 |
Ghai, Anita
(Dis)Embodied Form: Issues of Disabled Women
(Dis)Embodied Form is an engagement with the issues of disabled women. Written from the epistemic location of an existential reality of physical disability, the author's goal is to locate disability within the feminist discourse.
The author's primary objective is to create a bridge between feminism and disability theory and practice.
ANITA GHAI is a Reader in the Department of Psychology, Jesus and Mary College.
Pages 180
ISBN 81-241-0930-3 |
Menon, Visalakshi
Indian Women and Nationalism: The U. P. Story
The Indian National Movement created a new social and political space for women. This book traces the engagement of women with nationalism in a relatively lesser known region, the United Provinces of Agra and Oudh, as Uttar Pradesh was called prior to 1950. The general assumption is that, in terms of the women's movement, the U.P. was not in the forefront. Indian Women and Nationalism critically examines this assumption and gives new insights.
VISALAKSHI MENON teaches History in Jesus and Mary College, University of Delhi. At present she is Fellow, Centre for Contemporary Studies, Nehru Memorial Museum and Library.
Pages 200
ISBN 81-241-0939-7 |
Subramanyam,Lakshmi (ed.)
Muffled Voices: Women in Modern Indian Theatre
This collection provides an insight into the image of women in the written and performance texts in post Independence theatre in India. The first section interrogates this image in the written or dramatic text of mainstream male playwrights.
The second section articulates the diverse voices of women playwrights/directors and foregrounds the performative elements.
LAKSHMI SUBRAMANYAM teaches English in Jesus and Mary College, University of Delhi.
Pages 272
ISBN 81-241-0870-6 |
Taneja, Anup
Gandhi, Women, and the National Movement (1920-47)
In the recent past, there has been a growing interest on the question of gender within historical research, which has come to be recognized as a fundamental category of social, cultural and historical reality, perspective and study. The book critically analyses the success achieved by Gandhi in mobilizing women on a mass scale for the cause of the country's independence.
ANUP TANEJA is one of the editors of the reputed research journal the Indian Historical Review. He has been associated with the Editing Department of the Indian Council of Historical Research for the last twenty-five years.
Pages 244
ISBN 81-241-1076-X |